Macro tip #12: Equipment swapping

May 20, 2009

This is from the Instance 146, at time index 1:18:18.

With the new equipment manager introduced in patch 3.1.2, yet more macro functionality has been added. The basic command to use is:

/equipset NAME

…where NAME should be replaced by whatever you’ve called a particular equipment set. (Remember, these names are case sensitive.)

Obviously, as with earlier macros, you can manage multiple sets with one macro using modifiers and so on. For example:

#showtooltip [modifier] Medallion of the Horde; Sheild Slam
/equipset [modifier] PvP
/equipset [nomodifier] Tank

…a warrior could use this to swap between PvP gear and their tanking set, and the macro icon should show something vaguely relevant for each.

However, interest right now seems to be on automatically swapping your gear when you change sets. You can achieve this with a macro like the following:

#showtooltip [spec:1] Medallion of the Horde; Shield Slam
/equipset [spec:1] PvP; [spec:2] Tank
/usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1

Like the previous macro, this will swap your gear when you click the button; in addition, though, it uses the macro from the last tip to swap your spec. Do note, however, that if you have gear you can only equip because of talents (e.g. dual-weilding two-handed weapons thanks to Titan’s Grip), you might run into problems and could be better off using two separate macros.

3 Responses to “Macro tip #12: Equipment swapping”

  1. Mort said


    Thanks for your effort on doing these tips each week.
    They have been really useful.

    Looking forward to more!


  2. wowmacro said

    Thanks for the comment – and sorry it’s taken so long to do another. Sadly, life gets in the way! I’m hoping to pick this up again now that summer’s on the way though.

  3. Mort said

    Hahaha No problem
    Life > WoW.

    Go well.

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